EventsExhibit: Mary Russell — Narrative Interrupted: Revisiting Climate Science Through Art

Exhibit: Mary Russell — Narrative Interrupted: Revisiting Climate Science Through Art

All Day
West Roxbury


Artist Statement:

"These pieces were created to help me integrate the immense reality of the climate crisis and then to determine how I would respond. In documenting ad mapping scientists' reports of the changes unfolding, I was seeking relief from my personal and cultural narrative of innocence and helplessness. I am acknowledging that I am simultaneously within this climate emergency as well as an active causal participant. Actor Tilda Swinton suggested that art offers..."an opportunity to be quiet and still and to allow, in that stillness, for a connection to form...and for resonances to arise from inside."1 The narrative I seek to interrupt is that 'we can have everything, that we don't have to change'. This illusion serves to keep us from seeing. To disrupt this narrative, I have to stare directly at the immense destruction, the scale of the loss, and not look away.

Exploring and naming the documented impacts of climate change is my start in responding to the pressing need for change in my behavior. I find I cannot respond until it becomes a crisis inside of myself. Pope Francis put it succinctly suggesting we "Become painfully aware, to dare to turn what is happening to the world into our own personal suffering and thus to discover what each of us can do about it."2

My goal is to put the reality of the climate emergency on the wall, in color and shape and scale, in order to break the silence and allow us to process, mourn and reflect together.  Then perhaps we will "feel the spark of courage and connection with others"3 that makes action so much more possible.  

1 The Interview:  Tilda Swinton Would Like a Word with Trump Bout His Mother, David Marchese, New York Times, Dec 7, 2024

2 Laudato Si' (No 19) Encyclical Letter, Laudato Si'  of the Holy Father, Francis, on the Care of Our Common Home, 2015

Requiem for Melting Ice, Kate Silber, National Parks, Spring 2024

*Reception will be Monday, February 24th from 5-7 PM.

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